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In general, the duties of the day time Technical Assistant consist of following up on any service requests especially, any that are outstanding or critical to telescope operations. If the TA, himself or herself, is not capable of servicing any requests then responsibility needs to be taken to ensure that those who are expert with the particular problem are notified and that work is proceding.
Duties also consist of doing rounds at all KPNO telescopes first thing in the morning, to do dewar fills, if neccesary, and in general just to check up on things as described below.
There may be other activities during the day which include helping with and instrument change and/or, an observer startup or, possibly a filter change and, any other assitance involving observing support that may be necessary.
In the evening to be available to respond to observer needs at the 2.1 meter or operator needs at the other telescopes.
Read service, including comments, and Email to find out what things may need immediate attention, like dewar fills if domes closed early. There may be flat field needs or other requests for later in the day.
Check with other groups (ie., EM or facilities) about work they may need to do and be sure there are no conflicts with your work.
Check the
Kitt Peak Activities Calendar. Also check the
Telescope Schedule,
Instrument Support Schedule.
All of these schedules can be accessed from the Mountain Observing Information page:
Make rounds of telescopes:
Instrument changes are first priority if yor're scheduled. Evening Tech. should check on status when they come on duty, (~13:00).
Do midday dewar fills where needed.
Check TA's mailbox (front office). Distribute any mail for the OA's
Setup any telescopes for dome flats as requested in service comments.
Check schedules again to see if action is needed for future instrument changes (ie., cryogens ordered, dewars pumped and pre-cooled, or instruments moved between domes).
Check service again to check on progress of repairs. Advise observer of repairs or work-arounds.
The are many things that need to be done at each telescope on a periodic basis. These might include:
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