ICE (the IRAF Control Environment) is used at the telescopes on Kitt Peak
(and elsewhere) to acquire CCD exposures. The exact sequence of events
during a CCD camera exposure is laid out below.
Prompt the observer for task parameters.
Update the filter and focus parameters to be passed to the
(telescope) server.
Prompt the observer for the image title and retrieve hidden parameters.
Construct the name for the output image.
abort if it already exists
print a message otherwise
Open a connection to the detector server.
pass info back and forth to the controller,
retrieve the detcap information,
complain about the head ID if it does not match
check the error status
Update the scan table parameters to be passed to the
instrument server (if appropriate).
Open a connection to the instrument server (usually "test").
pass info back and forth,
check the error status
Open a connection to the telescope server.
pass info back and forth (e.g. image header info),
check the error status, but ignore any error if this is
not an object exposure
If no errors have been reported by the servers:
do whatever the instrument does before the exposure, e.g.,
position the scan table if appropriate
check the error status
If no errors have been reported by the servers (including the telescope):
do whatever the telescope does before the exposure, e.g.,
position the focus and filter if appropriate
check the error status
If no errors have been reported by the servers:
assign a unique RECID to the exposure
preallocate disk space if appropriate;
the observe task aborts if the disk fills up
write out the exposure status line
prepare the chip
if no new detector error, start the exposure;
the count down loop is entered if the exposure
is longer than a few seconds
if exposure is not aborted, read out the chip:
open the output image (or reopen if preallocated)
write the header
most keywords were filled in previously
get a few (e.g., filter) from the servers
now that were set after the bulk of the
header info was retrieved
print "reading out..." message
initiate ccd data transfer
complain if there is a problem
close the output image
rename the hidden image if preallocated
complain if the disk would fill up
Close the detector, instrument and telescope servers.
Null out the motor control parameters for
the filter, focus, and scan table.
If no errors were reported by the servers and the exposure
was not aborted, execute the postprocessing command.
beep the terminal
display the image
if not a test image:
retrieve the RECID from the header
write a fits file named RECID to
the /bits spool directory
send this to the archive queue using lpr
lpr removes the fits file afterward
update the local archive log with the pathname,
RECID, and date