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LTO Report

Kitt Peak Nightly LTO Report For UT: 2025-01-15

Report Time (MST): 07:16                    For access to all LTO-Reports go to:

4 Meter Weather Averages
From: UT = 01:00 (MST=6:00 PM) To: UT = 13:00 (MST=6:00 AM)
Elements Mean High Low AvDev
Air Temperature (°C)
Dewpoint Temperature (°C)-15.4-9.5-24.23.2
Relative humidity (%)2538116.1
Wind Speed (mph)23.332.311.13.9
Wind Direction (°)100110220.5
4M Dome Temperature (°C)
4M Dome Dewpoint (°C)-13.3-8.0-20.62.6
4M Primary Mirror (°C)

Weather Comments: Clear the entire night. Low to moderate wind throughout the night. Low humidity the entire night. Fairly stable conditions tonight with the wind picking up gradually from the start of the night. The temperature ranged from 2C to 4C and the humidity ranged from 11% to 38%. The wind from the east ranged from 11mph to 36mph.
Recognized Hours: ( 11.25 )      18 degree twilight + 0.5 hr.

Observer Information
Telescope Observer Prop. # Instrument Detector Seeing
4 MeterLO: Landriau (on-site); SOs: Hagen 1st half (remote), Swan 2nd half (remote) --- DESI N/A 1.0
WIYNMcBride, Fernandez, Summers, Brownewell, Hilton 2024B-300000 N/A N/A N/A
2.1 MeterNo Observer --- N/A N/A N/A
FeedNo Observer --- N/A N/A N/A
0.9 MeterNo Observer --- N/A N/A N/A

Time Usage During The Night
Telescope Hours Used Night's Activity   Hours Lost Time Lost
Due To:
Time of
Night (MST)
7.81 Scientific Research   0.20 Weather 02:30 - 03:00
2.01 T and E   1.23 Instrument Problem 21:30 - 23:30
11.25 T and E        
11.25 Shutdown 0 Weather  
0 Scientific Research 0 Weather  
11.25 Shutdown 0 Weather  

Observing Status
4 MeterFull night of DESI Main Survey observing scheduled. Lost the first 2.01 hours of the night to instrument T&E. Lost 1.23 hours at about 2200 to a random instrument issue, potentially caused by a power blip, where things needed to be power cycled in the cass cage. Lost 0.2 hours at 0243 to wind tripping the dec drive. No other time lost. The seeing ranged from 0.88” to 1.34”, with a median of 0.99”.
WIYNFull night of T&E scheduled. First night of Hydra to IAS swap. Did some unexpected eyepiece testing for the upcoming eyepiece night in February. No seeing measurements made.
2.1 MeterNot Scheduled
FeedNot Scheduled
0.9 MeterWIYN 0.9M shutdown until further notice.

CommentsA night with a bumpy start, rough middle, and smooth end. Great conditions overall.

Reported by:John Della Costa

Weather Plots