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LTO Report

Kitt Peak Nightly LTO Report For UT: 2025-03-03

Report Time (MST): 05:14                    For access to all LTO-Reports go to:

4 Meter Weather Averages
From: UT = 01:00 (MST=6:00 PM) To: UT = 13:00 (MST=6:00 AM)
Elements Mean High Low AvDev
Air Temperature (°C)5.88.8-2.42.7
Dewpoint Temperature (°C)-10.1-3.8-19.73.6
Relative humidity (%)35791214.7
Wind Speed (mph)31.444.117.33.9
Wind Direction (°)202792970.1
4M Dome Temperature (°C)6.712.00.11.9
4M Dome Dewpoint (°C)-7.5-3.3-12.32.2
4M Primary Mirror (°C)

Weather Comments: Variable high cirrus and stratus clouds through the night. Wind generally from the south and west 20 to 45mph. Humidity 12 to 78%.
Recognized Hours: ( 10.25 )      18 degree twilight + 0.5 hr.

Observer Information
Telescope Observer Prop. # Instrument Detector Seeing
4 MeterLO: Landriau (on site); SOs: Saulder (on site, 1st half); Riley (remote, 2nd half) --- DESI N/A 1.3
WIYNGolub 2025A-300001 NEID N/A 1.2
2.1 MeterNo Observer --- N/A N/A N/A
FeedNo Observer --- N/A N/A N/A
0.9 MeterNo Observer --- N/A N/A N/A

Time Usage During The Night
Telescope Hours Used Night's Activity   Hours Lost Time Lost
Due To:
Time of
Night (MST)
9.12 Scientific Research   0.96 Weather 04:30 - 06:00
      0.17 Misc. Problems 21:00 - 21:30
4.19 Scientific Research   4.66 Weather 21:30 - 06:00
      1.40 Instrument Problem 02:00 - 03:30
10.25 Shutdown 0 Weather  
0 Scientific Research 0 Weather  
10.25 Shutdown 0 Weather  

Observing Status
4 MeterDESI Survey Observing. No technical problems. Lost 10 minutes when the visitor caravan departed. Lost an additional 0.96 hours to a combination of clouds and poor seeing at the end of the night. Seeing ranged from 0.83 to 3.73 arcsec as measured with DESI. Median seeing of 1.3 arcsec.
WIYNNEID Queue Observing. Lost 1.4 hours to a mechanical instrument issue, which is believed to be related to the etalons. Lost 4.66 hours to a combination of poor seeing and clouds. Seeing ranged from 0.7 to 1.9 arcsec as estimated with NEID's guider with a median of 1.2 arcsec.
2.1 MeterNot Scheduled
FeedNot Scheduled
0.9 MeterWIYN 0.9M shutdown until further notice.

CommentsTemperature began to plummet around 0330 and seeing began to deteriorate rapidly at that point.

Reported by:Dave Summers

Weather Plots