LTO Reports

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LTO Report

Kitt Peak Nightly LTO Report For UT: 2024-07-26

Report Time (MST): 03:26                    For access to all LTO-Reports go to:

4 Meter Weather Averages
From: UT = 01:00 (MST=6:00 PM) To: UT = 13:00 (MST=6:00 AM)
Elements Mean High Low AvDev
Air Temperature (°C)19.624.315.02.4
Dewpoint Temperature (°C)10.415.26.32.2
Relative humidity (%)4866345.6
Wind Speed (mph)
Wind Direction (°)324293140.1
4M Dome Temperature (°C)21.424.719.61.4
4M Dome Dewpoint (°C)11.814.89.01.4
4M Primary Mirror (°C)

Weather Comments: 30mph winds to start the night, jumped to 50mph around 2000. After midnight winds fell back to around 20mph. 60% humidity until 2000 when it rose to 100%. Humidity came down to around 50% around 2300. Clouds and intermittent rain all night. Thunderstorms between 2000 and 0200.
Recognized Hours: ( 7.5 )      18 degree twilight + 0.5 hr.

Observer Information
Telescope Observer Prop. # Instrument Detector Seeing
4 MeterLO: Tyas (on site); SO: Ravi -1st half-, Riley -2nd half- (both remote) --- DESI N/A N/A
WIYNNo Observer 2024A-300000 N/A N/A N/A
2.1 MeterNo Observer --- N/A N/A N/A
FeedNo Observer --- N/A N/A N/A
0.9 MeterNo Observer --- N/A N/A N/A

Time Usage During The Night
Telescope Hours Used Night's Activity   Hours Lost Time Lost
Due To:
Time of
Night (MST)
0 Scientific Research 7.5 Weather 20:00 - 04:30
7.5 Shutdown 0 Weather  
7.5 Shutdown 0 Weather  
0 Scientific Research 0 Weather  
7.5 Shutdown 0 Weather  

Observing Status
4 MeterDESI Survey Observing. Lost entire night to weather.
WIYNSummer Maintenance Shutdown
2.1 MeterNot Scheduled
FeedNot Scheduled
0.9 MeterWIYN 0.9M shutdown until further notice.

CommentsA power outage occurred around 2019. We stayed on line power.

Reported by:Anthony Paat

Weather Plots